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 Aman Kishor Tiwari

 :Amount Raised
 :Amount Remaining
NameAman Kishor Tiwari
Unique ID1234
DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)3/23/2000
Age (Yrs)14
CityKanpur Nagar
StateUttar Pradesh
About meAman Kishor Tiwari is the student of class 10th. He is very good in studies. In class 9th , he got four A1 & three A2 grade out of seven subjects. . He has sharp acumen in understanding and grasping the things easily. He has two siblings. Father’s income is not sufficient for daily family expenses leaving aside education. A proper financial support will be helpful for his studies
Father's NameMr Ram Kishor Tiwari
Father's OccupationLabour
Mother's NameMrs. Pushpa
Mother's OccupationHouse Wife
Annual Family Income (Rs)54000
Necessities/ Break-upExpenses towards school fee, dress and stationary.
Amount required (Rs)22000
Amount Raised (Rs)22000
Amount Remaining (Rs)0
Education completedClass 9
HobbiesPlaying Chess,Learning Astrology
 Shiksha sopan
Caretaking NGOShiksha sopan
Year2014 - 2015

My Godparents
Details FullNameStateCountryContribution (Rs)
DetailsArun TittoKarnatakaIndia 12000
DetailsAnubhav GargUttar PradeshIndia 5000
DetailsRajesh Kumar SharmaKARNATAKA India 4000
DetailsDeepika PriyadarshiniNYUnited States1000