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Godparents Foundation
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 :Amount Raised
 :Amount Remaining
Unique ID1398
DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)5/11/2000
Age (Yrs)15
StateTamil Nadu
About meN.Pradeepa son of K.Nehru.She has one elder Brother.Her father is worked in Swimming Master.He got a salary for the month Rs.5000 only.Her mother is House wife.She is very poor family.She got a 465 marks in 10th Public Exam.Her aim is became a doctor.But financial is her problem.She is very good Knowledge in his school.She is interested in valley ball game.She participate in state level competition.Her Team won the Prize.
Father's NameK.Nehru
Father's OccupationSwimming Master
Mother's NameK.Vijaya
Mother's OccupationHouse wife
Annual Family Income (Rs)60000
Necessities/ Break-upSchool fees-8250, Coaching class-3000,Materials-1800, Uniforms-1500, Food-15000, Dress-900, Medical-300,Shelter-4500, Honorarium for Social worker-500,Admn & cost of payment gateway(15%)-5363
Amount required (Rs)41113
Amount Raised (Rs)600
Amount Remaining (Rs)40513
Education completed10th
HobbiesValley ball& music
 new life
Caretaking NGOnew life
Year2016 - 2017

My Godparents
Details FullNameStateCountryContribution (Rs)
DetailsAarthi PalanimanickamTamilnaduIndia 600