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Godparents Foundation
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 :Amount Raised
 :Amount Remaining
Unique ID1413
DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)3/2/2012
Age (Yrs)4
CityHyderabad, Telangana
About meSanjay studying 3rd class (2019-20) at St.joshph school in slum area, Hyderabad. His father Ramulu working as a daily wage labour , mother Venkatamma working as a daily wage labour. They migrated from Mahabubnagar district for livelihood and stay in a slum. They are not in a position to send the child to school due to insufficient income and caring other members of the family. They don’t have any assets or other income to sustain.
Updates1-6-19: He is continuing going to school. Need further support
Father's NameRamulu
Father's Occupationlabour
Mother's NameVenkatamma
Mother's Occupationdaily wage worker
Annual Family Income (Rs)60000
Necessities/ Break-up• Educational material(notebooks, pens/pencils, stationery) (1000),• Support for Tuition/School fee (600), • Supply of Nutrition and Toiletries (like rice, dal, soaps, sugar, vermicelli, tooth paste/brush, oils, fruits/buiscuits (Rs.4200), • Health Care/checkups/vitamins (Rs.600), • Uniform and civil dresses (Rs.1200),• Child meetings/get-togethers, travel and administration (Rs.400)
Amount required (Rs)8000
Amount Raised (Rs)1000
Amount Remaining (Rs)7000
Education completed3rd class (2019-20)
Hobbiespaying with friends
Caretaking NGOsahara
Year2016 - 2017

My Godparents
Details FullNameStateCountryContribution (Rs)
DetailsPrashant GuptaTyne and WearUnited Kingdom 1000