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Name | MANISHA |
Unique ID | 327 |
Gender | F |
DOB (mm/dd/yyyy) | 6/17/1998 |
Age (Yrs) | 11 |
City | DELHI |
State | New Delhi |
About me | Manisha is ten years old girl. She is a student of 4th std. Manisha’s parents are office boy and domestic helper. Their income is not sufficient to meet all the expenses of the family. Manisha’s four sisters and brother. Manisha wants to be a teacher in future. The economic condition of the family is poor. Manisha needs support as her parents find it difficult to manage educational needs of four children in the family. |
Updates | |
Father's Name | Mana |
Father's Occupation | Office Boy |
Mother's Name | Kunti |
Mother's Occupation | Domestic Helper |
Annual Family Income (Rs) | 40000 |
Necessities/ Break-up | School fees (Approx Rs.1200), School Materials (Approx Rs.1200), coaching class fees (Approx Rs1800), School Uniform (Approx Rs.1000), Professional fees, feedback charges & Cost of Payment Gateway - 5% (Rs.500) |
Amount required (Rs) | 5700 |
Amount Raised (Rs) | 5700 |
Amount Remaining (Rs) | 0 |
Education completed | 3rd |
Hobbies | Playing Indor Games |
| prerna |
Caretaking NGO | prerna |
FCRA | N |
Year | 2009 - 2010 |
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My Godparents |
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