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| Arjun |
Name | Arjun |
Unique ID | 364 |
Gender | M |
DOB (mm/dd/yyyy) | 1/16/1997 |
Age (Yrs) | 13 |
City | Kanpur |
State | Uttar Pradesh |
About me | He is an intelligent student. His mind is sharp. He secures good marks in all subjects. He draws very well and is a good dancer. His family condition is not good. He has one elder brother. His father works as a helper in a shop. His elder brother works as a daily labor because his father's income is low. He lives in a very bad locality where the neighbours use very abusive language. |
Updates | |
Father's Name | Shri. Siyaram |
Father's Occupation | Helper in a Shop |
Mother's Name | Smt. Gomti |
Mother's Occupation | House Wife |
Annual Family Income (Rs) | 22000 |
Necessities/ Break-up | Cloths, books, and breakfast at school, teacher's payment at school. |
Amount required (Rs) | 3000 |
Amount Raised (Rs) | 3000 |
Amount Remaining (Rs) | 0 |
Education completed | Seventh |
Hobbies | Reading, Dancing and Drawing. |
| Shiksha Sopan |
Caretaking NGO | Shiksha Sopan |
FCRA | N |
Year | 2009 - 2010 |
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My Godparents |
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