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 Aakash Santosh Kapatkar

 :Amount Raised
 :Amount Remaining
NameAakash Santosh Kapatkar
Unique ID470
DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)10/11/1993
Age (Yrs)16
About meAakash’s family background is quite disturbed. The parents are separated. He and his younger sister stay with is mother in a rented house near to his grandparents house.His sister Aishvarya is in class VIII.Aakash mother,Mrs. Swati is a commerce Graduate and she works in a shop. She earns Rs. 2500/- per month.Aakash’s father works in a shop. He is just 10th passed. He spends his income on drinking.
Father's NameSantosh
Father's OccupationLeft the family
Mother's NameSwati
Mother's OccupationWorks in a shop
Annual Family Income (Rs)30000
Necessities/ Break-upSchool Fees (Approx Rs1000), Coaching class fees (Approx Rs1800), School Materials( Approx Rs1600), Professional fees, feedback charges & Extra-curricular activities for the child- Rs1000/-Cost of Payment Gateway - 5% (Rs600)
Amount required (Rs)6000
Amount Raised (Rs)6000
Amount Remaining (Rs)0
Education completed10
HobbiesLikes repairing electric gadgets
Caretaking NGOIDEA
Year2010 - 2011

My Godparents
Details FullNameStateCountryContribution (Rs)
DetailsArun TittoKarnatakaIndia 2500
DetailsShalabh KulshresthaUttar PradeshIndia 1000