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 Rahul Yadav

 :Amount Raised
 :Amount Remaining
NameRahul Yadav
Unique ID589
DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)9/24/2003
Age (Yrs)7
StateUttar Pradesh
About meRahul is a sincere student who is average at studies but works very hard. His parents are not interested in his education, so he has no help from home when it comes to home-works etc. His three elder siblings live in their village. His father is occasionally out driving the tractor so he has to run the chores at home. They are very poor and sometimes even do not get two meals in a day.
Father's NameHari Shankar
Father's OccupationDriver
Mother's NameSeema Devi
Mother's OccupationNA
Annual Family Income (Rs)24000
Necessities/ Break-upSchool tuition School dress Breakfast Stationary
Amount required (Rs)4000
Amount Raised (Rs)4000
Amount Remaining (Rs)0
Education completed1
HobbiesPlaying and studying
 Shiksha Sopan
Caretaking NGOShiksha Sopan
Year2010 - 2011

My Godparents
Details FullNameStateCountryContribution (Rs)
DetailsAbhishek TewariUPIndia 4000