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Godparents Foundation
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 :Amount Raised
 :Amount Remaining
Unique ID827
DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)12/12/2006
Age (Yrs)5
About meSaba is int ll year (2017-18). Her father was an illiterate and migrated to Hyderabad from Maharastra for livelihood. He used to work as an auto driver taking auto riksha on rent. He died with heart attack in June 2010. Since then the burden of taking care of children was lying on her mother who is also illiterate. She is working as domestic servant and rolling cotton batti to maintain the family all ther seven children. Saba is second child. All children except the last one are going to school. They are living in a small rented house. They have no other income source to meet the extra burden of these children for their studies and maintenance
Updates9-6-17 need further support to continue school education.
Father's NameLATE Md Rafeeq
Father's OccupationDIED
Mother's NameShagupta katoon
Mother's Occupationdomestic servant
Annual Family Income (Rs)18000
Necessities/ Break-upSchool fee, text books, notebooks, stationery etc (Rs.1800), Supply of commodities (like rice, dal, soaps, vermicelli, tooth paste/bruch, oil,) (Rs.2100) Health checkups and medicines (Rs.600), Child meetings, functions, travel and administration (Rs.600) Uniforms, dresses, shoes and toiletries (Rs.900)
Amount required (Rs)6000
Amount Raised (Rs)6000
Amount Remaining (Rs)0
Education completedint ll y (17-18)
Hobbieshelping mother at home, reading and doing home work.
Caretaking NGOsahara
Year2012 - 2013

My Godparents
Details FullNameStateCountryContribution (Rs)
DetailsRaghudev GayamINUnited States3200
DetailsSagar PatilNJUnited States2300
DetailsNishith SrivastavaUttar PradeshIndia 500