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 Vinay Kothapalli

 :Amount Raised
 :Amount Remaining
NameVinay Kothapalli
Unique ID904
DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)5/23/2008
Age (Yrs)4
About meVinay studying 6th class (2019-20)at Saraswati School, Patelnagar, Hyderabad. He has one elder sister Nikita going to school. Vinay’s parents migrated from Medak district for livelihood in the year 2005 as they do not have any agricultural land or assets and not getting any labour work to live on that. His father Bairaiah chary was working as a labour and he used to drink and quarrel at home all the time. He left home and family In the year 2008 and till whereabouts of him is not known. They are getting some occasional support from nearby relatives. Her mother- Bhagyalaxmi is now rolling beedis and getting a meager income which is not sufficient to send children to school and to look after them. His mother is in a desperate condition and not able to maintain herself and children. Now they are living in a small rented house at Hyderabad
Updates28-5-19 He needs further support this year and in completing school education. otherwise he may beocme school dropout/child laboour.
Father's NameBairaiah Chari (Left-whereabout not known)
Father's Occupationwhereabout notknown
Mother's NameBhagyalaxmi
Mother's Occupationbeedi rolling
Annual Family Income (Rs)22000
Necessities/ Break-upEducational material, notebooks, pens/pencils, stationery, Tuition/School fee, etc (Rs.1800), Supply of commodities (like rice, dal, soaps, vermicelli, tooth paste/bruch, oil, (Rs.2100) Health Care/checkups/vitamins (Rs.600), Toiletries/ Uniforms/dresses, (Rs.900),Child meetings/get-togethers, travel and administration (Rs.600)
Amount required (Rs)6000
Amount Raised (Rs)6000
Amount Remaining (Rs)0
Education completed6th class( 2019-20) studying
HobbiesJust playing - too young to develop hobbies
Caretaking NGOsahara
Year2012 - 2013

My Godparents
Details FullNameStateCountryContribution (Rs)
DetailsPrashant GuptaTyne and WearUnited Kingdom 6000