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Godparents Foundation
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 Rohit Malkapuram

 :Amount Raised
 :Amount Remaining
NameRohit Malkapuram
Unique ID957
DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)3/16/2007
Age (Yrs)5
About meRohit is now studying 7th class (2019-20) at St Joseph high school in a slum area of Hyderabad. He is active and good at going to school. His father Laxmikanth died in Oct 2007 with Jaundice. Though he was admitted in the hospital he was not save as it was last stage. He used to work as labour in constructions. His mother –Swaroopa, studies upto X class and recently joined in a private office as helper. They don’t have any other assets or income to live on. He has one elder brother who is also going to school. The total responsibility of taking care of 2 children and their education has become a big burden to his mother. They live in a small rented room in a slum called Durganagar on the bank of Musi drainage. As the situation is becoming worse to meet the educational needs of the children, they have approached Sahara for extending needed support. Sahara could able to help them in a small way with the limited resources and trying to find sponsors to help for continuing his education.
Updates28-5-19 he needs help to continue his studies
Father's NameLate laxmikanth
Father's OccupationDIED
Mother's Nameswaroopa
Mother's Occupationhelper
Annual Family Income (Rs)24000
Necessities/ Break-upEducational material, notebooks, pens/pencils, stationery, Tuition/School fee, etc (Rs.1800), Supply of commodities (like rice, dal, soaps, vermicelli, tooth paste/bruch, oil, (Rs.2100) Health Care/checkups/vitamins (Rs.600), Toiletries/ Uniforms/dresses, (Rs.900),Child meetings/get-togethers, travel and administration (Rs.600)
Amount required (Rs)6000
Amount Raised (Rs)500
Amount Remaining (Rs)5500
Education completed7th (19-20) studying
Hobbiesplaying with friends, cricket, carroms, helping mother..
Caretaking NGOsahara
Year2012 - 2013

My Godparents
Details FullNameStateCountryContribution (Rs)
DetailsAnjali SharmaDelhiIndia 500