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Godparents Foundation
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Registered NameFoundation for Initiatives in Development and Education for All (IDEA)
General InfoIDEA is working in the fields of Education, Health Care and Development for Underprivileged and Poor Children.IDEA is undertaking numerous activities under its ‘Community Projects’ and the ‘School Project’. We have been listed under GiveIndia and supported by many donors through GiveIndia.IDEA is one of the recipient of the ‘Outstanding Annual Report Awards-2010”, a national level competition, under the small category NGOs. Recognizing the significance of quality Annual Reports for ensuring credibility of Voluntary Sector Organizations, ‘CSO Partners’ have instituted the ‘ Outstanding Annual Report Awards 2010’ in association with Financial Management Service Foundation (FMSF), Credibility Alliance (CA) and Spatial Access Advertising Consultancy (SAAC). Our new initiative is a facility for imparting vocational training to adolescent school drop-out to give them a ' second chance'. Recently we have been accredited by Credibility Alliance after a thorough due dilegence . Take a look at our ANNUAL REPORT 2012-2013:
Website (URL)
AddressFlat No: 10, Fountain Head Apartments, Opposite Sangam Press, Kothrud, Pune, Maharashtra, 411038
Contact PersonDr. Usha Pillai
Tax Benefit80 G
Receipt delivery (by email/postmail)email
Time committment for receipt delivery (days from date of transaction)15 days
Validated by (URL)
Activities Video (URL)
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